Geology of oil and gas 091020 energy truefalse quiz. This is first stop in dept for some, only stop for others. Terry engelder department of geosciences 336 deike building the pennsylvania state university university park, pennsylvania 16802 phone. The lecture is started with a description of the course. Mining geology lecture free ebooks pdf, doc, ppt, pps, xls and etc. It introduces the physical side of geological sciences and emphasizes. If the reverse of these conditions occurs only too often, illustrating the socalled.
Penn states structural geology class notes instructor. The engineering geology notes pdf eg notes pdf book starts with the topics covering importance of geology from civil engineering point of view, definition of mineral, importance of study of minerals, geological classification of rocks into igneous. Engineering geology pdf notes eg pdf notes smartzworld. Formation of the earth, origin of life, meteorites, minerals, igneous rocks, volcanoes, weathering, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, plate tectonics, earthquakes. Mining geology an overview mrinmoy chakraborty geologist.
Chapter 6 from the book mining massive datasets by anand rajaraman and jeff ullman. Quiz 1 with answers lecture notes, all lectures summary cultural psychology chapters 1 through 5 summary cultural psychology 6 through 10 solution jan william simek organic chemistry solution manual ninth edition ninth edition2017, pearson. These depositions occur due to various geological processes. Introduction to structural geology and lecture notes. Prospecting for a mineral deposit and proving it a short series. It is hoped that this will also be of value to those involved in the profession, especially at the earlier stages of their careers. Here you can download the free lecture notes of engineering geology pdf notes eg pdf notes materials with multiple file links to download. Harraz presentation 14 november 2011 1 mining geology, introduction. In addition to using the free lecture notes and course notes, anyone can also. This book is written for undergraduate and postgraduate students of engineering geology.
The growth in the metal ore mining market is due to the expectation of greater stability in the commodity prices, and rising demand for iron ore products from developing countries such as china and. Glg510advanced structural geology 2009 lecture notes. The pdf portable document format versions of the lecture notes are optimized for printing. Introduction engineering geology is an interdisciplinary field in which pertinent studies in geology and other geosciences areas are applied toward the solution of problems involved in engineering works and resources uses sitar et al, 1983. Faculty of mining geology and petroleum engineering. John ridley is the malcolm mccallum chair of economic geology at colorado state. This section provides the schedule of course topics along with the lecture notes and slides that were used in the course. The geology of kentucky notes the geology of kentucky kentucky is divided into 6 distinct regions bluegrass region the eastern kentucky coal. Haywick 200809 1 gy 111 lecture note series economic geology lecture goals. The importance of this course is explained here as well.
The high bridge formations of kentucky consist almost entirely of limestone with a high percentage of lime more th 60 per cent. Lecture notes and slides introduction to geology earth. The goal of the course is to obtain knowledge of the origins of petroleum and gas, of the accumulation conditions and the techniques to find and exploit hydrocarbons. Introduction to data mining ppt, pdf chapters 1,2 from the book introduction to data mining by tan steinbach kumar. Another school of thought define surveying as the act of making measurement of the relative position of natural and manmade features on earths surface and the presentation of this information either graphically or numerically. An introduction to minerals, ore and exploration sgu. The course will provide a thorough introduction to geology and then move on to apply this knowledge to site investigation for construction.
Chapter 9 shear zones and portions of chapter 6 on fault rocks from davis and reynolds, 1996, structural geology of rocks and regions. Harraz presentation 14 november 2011 1 mining geology. In this first lecture, a short introduction to the topic will be given. Introduction to economic geology and and the basic concepts of ores, profit, mining, and the periodic table.
This lecture covers mining and introduces how mining generally is done. Blue dots are at intersections with catalina and javalina faults. Pavement a durable surfacing of a road, airstrip, or similar primary function of a. Click on a lecture topic to download the powerpoint file for each lecture. If u found it helpful, give a big thumbs up, comment your view on it. If a mineralization can be mined with profit, considering all costs of mining and the value of the. Introduction, history of the earth and geological time. Faults fracture a discontinuity or break in rock fault a discontinuity in which one block has slipped past another mode ii or iii joint a discontinuity in with no slip parallel to fractures some opening mode i 1. Lecture notes surface mining and design complete ubc. Zumberges laboratory manual for physical geology, 14th edition, robert h. Prospecting for a mineral deposit and proving it a short series of lectures prepared for the fourth year of geology 2010 2011 by hassan z. It is the branch of geology that studies the 3d geometry from micro to macro scale of rocks to explain the deformation processes the rocks experienced since their origination. This presentation is about general and basics of mining geology with an. Download link is provided and students can download the anna university ce6301 engineering geology eg syllabus question bank lecture notes syllabus part a 2 marks with answers part b 16 marks question bank with answer, all the materials are listed below for the students to make use of it and score good maximum marks with our study materials.
B mineral formation sadly, in this course, it is not possible to spare the time to go over how all economic. Pdf ce6301 engineering geology eg books, lecture notes. The chemical characteristics of the ordovician rock s of kentucky. Engineering geology and geotechnics lecture 1 duration. Lecture notes pdfs of these powerpoint slides will be made available for download via the course web page. Co2 sequestration1 101020 old ppt co2 sequestration2. Tan,steinbach, kumar introduction to data mining 8052005 1 data mining. Introduction to engineering geology is designed to give an insight into the way in which geological environments affect decisions about the design and construction of large and small structures. In addition to using the free lecture notes and course notes, anyone can also post open courseware here and share them with the world. If your web browser has the proper plugin installed, clicking on the pdf will bring the file into your web browser from which you can then print the notes. Lecture 7 chapter 4 wrapup lecture 8 introduction to minerals lecture 9 minerals lecture 10 igneous rocks lecture 11 more igneous rocks lecture 12 even more igenous rocks lecture sedimentary rocks lecture 14 more sedimentary rocks lecture 15 even more sedimentary rocks. Lecture midterm 20% lecture final 30% lab midterm 20% lab exercises 10% lab final 20% 100%. Simple geology with profile location on contours topographic profile. Lecture 11 structural geology lecture 11 structural geology rock deformation and structural.
Lecture notesslides will be uploaded during the course. Wisely used, mineral resources create wealth, employment, a vital social and natural environment, and peace. Introduction to geological mapping lecture 1 3 field geology when rocks and rock materials are investigated in their natural environment and in their natural relations to one another, the study is called field geology. A economic minerals resources versus reserves b mineral formation c mineral extraction a economic minerals by now, you have been introduced to the minerals that you are going to be responsible. Lecture notes for chapter 3 introduction to data mining. Click on the topic of interest to go directly there, or scroll down through all of the topics. Frequent itemsets, association rules, apriori algorithm. The free lecture notes and course notes are posted in various formats, including text, pdf or ppt lecture notes, and audio and video lecture.
240 1042 1521 1440 1146 852 148 1301 49 1166 1292 228 1279 1174 685 955 109 314 834 416 909 862 252 371 1367 377 190 240 532 843 173 765 995 1323 494 170 245 638